Who’s Daddy’s Friend? Daddy’s Roommate was one of the first children’s books to portray gay life in a positive way.
“Daddy’s Roommate”
In this picture book for ages 2-5, Frank and Daddy are seen pursuing their daily routine; and on weekends the entire family goes on various outings.
It’s a useful and straightforward view of an alternative family, and the format – single lines of copy beneath full-page illustrations – are great for kids and adults.
Daddy’s Roommate was one of the first children’s books to portray gay life in a positive way; the gay couple do the same things heterosexual couples do: Take care of the house, argue, and spend time with their kid.
The book has become one of the most banned books in recent years. The American Library Association listed this book as number 2 in their list of the 100 most challenged books from 1990-2000, due to its subject matter and targeted audience.
Daddy’s Roommate, written by Michael Willhoite. Alyson, 1990
We shouldn’t be sheilding kids from the truth. People need to face the fact that there are gay couples out there. Yes I understand it has to do with little kids but there not saying this is how you have to be when you get older there just showiing to life. I understand 2-5 yr olds might not get it but if they learn that its ok then it will not be a big isssue.
I agree with you. There are different types of families out there and if children knew about it, there would probably be less teasing of kids who have two moms or two dads. I personally don’t agree with homosexuality, but other people do and that is their choice.