Legal & Financial

VIDEO: New York Governor Paterson supports same-sex marriage and he’s proud of it

“We will push on until we bring full marriage equality to New York state.” – New York Gov. David A. Paterson

NY Gov. David Paterson recently addressed the guests of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force‘s [NGLTF] 2008 New York Leadership Awards dinner.

Speaking via pre-taped video [below], Paterson said – in the “spirit of Dr. King” – that the GLBT community deserves equal rights. He is proud to have run on a ticket with [former Governor] Eliot Spitzer, reminding the audience that the political pair was the first in the country to advocate for same-sex marriage – “and to win on that premise”.

He vowed “to push on until we bring full marriage equality to New York state” and promised to fight for an end to bullying in schools, for transgender rights and for affordable health care for everyone.

Paterson concludes the video with a call to “change the face of New York which will be a catalyst for change in national policy.”