Marketing to dads – straight and gay – requires new approaches
MediaPost Publications reports on research that explores new generations of dads – considering these men “a new breed who are more involved with their children’s lives and more likely to make day-in, day-out types of product purchases…”
Gay dads are a growing segment for exploration by marketers.
According to MediaPost: Recognizing the “Dad Factor” means marketers need to stop reflexively “thinking pink,” say marketing analysts. Companies should gear their brands’ media outreach and benefits positioning to these new fathers – who have a markedly different purchasing behavior than moms.
The research – titled “The U.S. Dads Market: A Unique Profile of Fathers, Their Attitudes, Values and Behavior as Consumers” – is based on information conducted over a three-year period, including two recent online surveys of more than 500 fathers in the U.S..
Of the estimated 66 million U.S. fathers, half are reported to be full-time fathers, and a growing number are single-parent heads of households. The total number of fathers is expected to grow nearly 10% over the next decade as Gen Y’s age into the parenthood years. The shift to the “new dad” mentality is happening, but gradually: Currently, one in four fathers reports being “very involved” with the daily activities of their children. Growing segments for exploration by marketers include single, gay and Hispanic fathers.