New York City’s LGBT Community Center hosts “Sperm and Egg Mixer” March 11th
Are you thinking of having a baby, but terrified at the thought of raising a child alone? Are you a happy lesbian couple, eager for your children to have an active father in their lives? Are you a gay man dreaming of a bio-child, but discouraged by the cost of surrogacy, and happy to share parenting responsibilities with a lesbian mom?
Proud Parenting member – Leon – invites you to the first Sperm and Egg Mixer, at NYC’s LGBT Community Center. Leon’s a member of a co-parenting group there, and he’s actively seeking a co-parenting relationship with a woman. Leon also publishes a blog called CO-PARENTSEARCH – One gay man’s search for a woman also looking to have a child.
The Community Center’s Parenting Partnerships group offers couples and singles interested in the possibilities of creative family structures. Members of the group “seek the presence and involvement of a father (for lesbians) or a mother (for gay men) in the lives of their children”. Occasional speakers include active co-parents as well as professionals in areas relevant to co-parenting and parenting in general, such as legal family agreements, childcare, finances, and mediation.
The first Sperm and Egg Mixer meets March 11 2009 , from 6:30pm – 8:00pm.