Florida transgender teen crowned prom queen
Transgender teen Andrew Viveros [pic] was crowned prom queen this weekend in Fort Lauderdale. Viveros [17], a graduating senior at McFatter Technical High School in Davie, said she wasn’t sure she would win. “Then they called my name and I was in complete shock,” said Viveros, who also goes by Andii. Viveros is a Davie resident and president of the school’s Gay-Straight Alliance. Viveros said some students campaigned against her but others praised her for courage. “It’s a big stepping stone,” Viveros said. “People can see it’s finally OK to be who you are and do what you want no matter how different you are.”
Viveros noted that Juan Macias, an openly gay teen and graduating senior at McFatter, was crowned prom king. Macias’ running for prom king did not raise near the amount of controversy that Viveros did.
Viveros said she won support from the school’s administrators after writing a speech explaining the right she had to run for prom queen and the daily struggle of being transgender.
[via Sun-Sentinel.com]