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HPV vaccine works for gay males

In 2009, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declined to recommend the HPV vaccine to young males, although it’s proven to prevent anal cancer and genital warts caused by HPV. Clinical trial data shows the vaccine 78 percent effective in preventing precancerous lesions in the anus in vaccinated men who had sex with other men. About 5,260 Americans – 2,000 men and 3,260 women – are diagnosed with anal cancer every year, and more than 700 die of the disease annually, according to the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Carole Allen, director of pediatrics at Harvard Vanguard said, “I’ve had parents in my practice who said, ‘I want my son to have this vaccine because I want him to be a responsible citizen, gay or straight”.

Most insurance companies avoid coverage for males considering its cost, efficacy, and safety.

[via Boston.com]