Advice & EducationEditor's Pick

Let’s keep our GLBT children safe and home

A growing body of research coming out of San Francisco State University’s Family Acceptance Project, has shown that by choosing to accept their GLBT children, families can make a profound difference in the lives of our youth. For example, youth who experience greater family acceptance report lower levels of depression, and are far less likely to attempt suicide, use illegal drugs, or have unprotected sex. This impact is one that cannot be ignored by youth service providers, government agencies, funders, and all those concerned with the well-being of youth – or, of course, the parents themselves. The Family Acceptance Project gives us not only research demonstrating that family support can provide desperately needed protection for LGBT youth, but the intervention and education strategies to design programs that work in order to improve the health of our next generation, a community shift toward supporting families, in all their forms, must happen.

[via HuffPo]