Obama reaches out to 1,200 GLBT supporters via conference call
Barack Obama’s campaign hosted a conference call Friday evening with about 1,200 GLBT supporters. The meeting was an effort to bridge the gap between Clinton and Obama supporters – and allowed the campaign to announce some impressive appointments to the team.
Washington Blade editor Kevin Naff shares his notes from the gathering on the Houston Voice Blog:
“Brian Bond, who currently serves as the gay outreach director for the Democratic National Committee, will move to Chicago to become director of constituencies for the Obama campaign. That role will involve outreach to a broad range of voters, not just gays.
“Lesbian musician Melissa Etheridge will serve as a co-chair of Obama’s 50-state voter registration campaign. Joan Garry, former executive director of GLAAD, and Kevin Jennings, founder of GLSEN, will serve as co-chairs of Obama’s LGBT finance operations.
“Longtime gay rights activist David Mixner, who initially endorsed John Edwards, also spoke. He said that Obama opposes the November ballot initiatives in California and Florida that would ban same-sex marriages in those states.”
Marching in a parade near you: Barack Obama wants to celebrate “Pride”
Democratic Presidential contender Barack Obama is using Pride celebrations to reach and organize GLBT voters.
Obama for President groups plan to march in Pride Parades around the country.
His campaign released an open letter to LGBT Americans in February. In his message, he reaffirms his respect for our relationships and families by stating [among other things]:
“As your President, I will use the bully pulpit to urge states to treat same-sex couples with full equality in their family and adoption laws”.
Obama has also said he would, “immediately set up a civil union that is equal in federal rights so that all the states, all the rights that are conferred by the states are the same for gays and lesbians, same sex couples as for any other couple.”
Barack vows to expand hate crimes statutes and fight workplace discrimination. He opposes a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, and plans to repeal Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell.
He wats to repeal DOMA as well
okay, sorry caps. i’m really excited over this.