
Inspired by my generation

2010 & 2020 📆

I’ve transferred from middle to high school and notice a change when it comes to LGBTQ awareness and acceptance. One important difference is a more liberal view among students regarding LGBT issues. And people are no longer using the word “gay” as an insult.

In middle school many times a day I would hear, “don’t do that, it’s gay,” or “you’re so gay.”  Or even “don’t be so gay about it.” These things really troubled me as someone who has a lot of connection inside the LGBTQ community. Using the word “gay” in that context is not meant to be an insult and no one seems outwardly harmed or offended by the term. Kids play it off in a joking manner.

That is what troubles me the most. They don’t know just how offensive their words are. Or how hateful it could be to someone. My wish for the future is that parents tell their kids when they hear it (and they do) to consider the great impact on someone else’s life. Imagine one of these boys is confused about his feelings and because he is confronted with this bad connotation of “gay” he’s afraid to tell anyone around what he is going through. There are young kids with these issues out there. If we don’t act as a community to accommodate them, young boys and girls will continue to struggle.

High school is better than middle school. The people are less cutthroat, more accepting and more likely to mind their own business. The changes I have seen in my short time in high school have really inspired me. If people change so much in a couple years then they might also be able to do good things in the future.

I’ve been observing my peer’s behavior around various topics and people during the past 6 months in high school. There are just a few openly LGBTQ people at my school. I’m alarmed because students avoid them as if they’re a stray cheetah sitting in the class room. Most are friendly with the cheetah and a few make friends with the cheetah. But all (even those closest) are wary of the cheetah. At least that’s how it seems when it comes to gay boys. People are more open to lesbians and I’m surprised at this. They see it as a cool trait and the lesbians at my school wear their pride like a medal — always ready to show it off.  

When it comes to LGBT families (my experience) I have not met anyone who has given a second thought about a girl having two fathers! That fact really gives me hope for my generation. Many adults around me are hoping for good leadership that new generations can bring. Day by day I’m more confident that it could be us. Stay positive and remember, that’s just my teen view!